Add my own quick prompts
Custom prompts do not seem to address the issue of prompt overload. It would be helpful to consider removing some existing prompts to create a more manageable list, perhaps limiting it to a maximum of 3-4 prompts.
Live in version 1.11
Sebastien R
Julian ok it is only available during live session recording but not on post-processed chatbot.
Custom prompts could be a available on ended sessions
Sebastien R Thanks for pointing this out. We'll make sure to add the custom prompts when we add the quick prompts to post-session chat.
Alf Marcussen
Julian I would love to be organizing my prompts in categories and also have the ones I use the most often Float to the top for easy/fast access. Possible?
Alf Marcussen You should be able to customize the order of the prompts but long tapping a custom prompt on the settings screen and dragging it into your preferred position. Let me know if that doesn't work for some reason.
Alf Marcussen
Julian Yes, I see that now. But when I first entered the prompts, I did not see them being stored, so I was not sure if they got added. Then I came back to the app a little later on and then I saw them and I could also arrange them in order and delete the ones that I did not want there... GREAT app and fast responses.
in progress